The tense situation in Palestine is difficult to end because the current Israeli occupation is supported by superpowers. The weakness of Muslim countries in defending the fate of Palestine makes the legacy of Umar bin Khattab's land increasingly threatened.


Even though we cannot wage jihad directly against Israel, our role in supporting the Palestinian struggle remains very important.


For over 70 years, Israel has subjected Palestinians to systematic human rights abuses, severe discrimination, and deadly military force. A fourth generation of Palestinian children are being brought up in refugee camps, in chronic poverty, denied the right to return to their family homes. Over a million Palestinians suffer discrimination over access to public services, land and employment. Israel’s siege of Gaza has condemned its 1.9 million inhabitants to poverty and psychological violence. The construction of the apartheid wall, the military closure of the Jordan Valley, and the annexation of East Jerusalem are creating an irreversible reality of permanent occupation.


Misinformation, propaganda, and social media manipulation. Both Israel and its enemies engage in persistent, sophisticated campaigns of influence and media manipulation, both overt and hidden. Sometimes one side or the other manages to convince people.


You don't have to be a Muslim to defend Palestine.
However, be human. Yes, the occupation carried out by Israel on the land of Palestine has caused a great many casualties. And the victims are dominated by children and women.
As a civilized human being, of course we must not allow oppression leading to genocide in Palestine to continue. So our support means a lot to the Palestinian people.